iEPB partners will make the project shine at EUSEW Energy Fair

Events | 2024.06.04

iEPB will be present at EUSEW Energy Fair 2024 in Brussels (from 11th to 13th June) together with the SRI support team,  to showcase the importance of decarbonisation of buildings and to offer opportunities to forge connections.

The focus of this year is “Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe”.

The SRI support team will exhibit at the Smart Buildings and Smart Readiness Indicator stand C-7, together with several research and innovation projects co-funded by Horizon Europe and LIFE: SRI2MARKETSmart SquareEasySRISRI-ENACTSMARTER EPCtunES, BuildONDemo-BLog, and Smart2B.

You can find more information here.

Programme and registration are available here.

EUSEW2024_Event Description