Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe: iEPB and more
The European Sustainable Energy Week is back from June 11th to 13th, blending in-person and online experiences in Brussels and virtually, with a focus on ‘Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe’.
ICONS has created a social media campaign that aims to spotlight efforts fast-tracking decarbonization using eco-friendly technologies, ensuring an equitable transition for all and fostering competitiveness among businesses. Moreover, the campaign encourages active participation, urging individuals to demonstrate their dedication to a carbon-neutral future.
For iEPB, Dirk De Wit of ISSO has joined the campaign by answering to this question: “What is iEPB working on to promote a European net-zero energy future?”
“iEPB promotes the net-zero energy future by establishing a common building data model that gives a common language to register the properties and energy performance of buildings and opens the way for data sharing among stakeholders.”
Follow the hashtags #Energy4NetZero and #EUSEW2024, and learn more about the campaign here.