The Consortium meets virtually for the sixth month of iEPB’s life

Short news | 2024.04.03

iEPB has just turned the six month mark and the whole consortium has virtually met for the first General Assembly.  The consortium joined for a 2 days online meeting, the second occasion for everybody to meet since the kick-off meeting last October. This meeting was an insightful discussion about the project’s start and development, and a moment of exchange, updates, and explanations.

During the assembly partners engaged in dynamic discussions about the ongoing work of the EPBD recast, the policy recommendations, the advancements in the software implementation, and the potential for exploitation and replicability of the projects results.

iEPB is also part of two important fellowships: the Next Gen EPC Cluster and the SRI cluster.

Task leaders presented the advancements and challenges of their work and allowed for questions and clarifications. A point was made about the recent Milestones achieved and Deliverables  submitted,  and the participation level was high.

This assembly was a chance for the consortium to collaboratively explore advancements and cooperation, and to set the basis towards the next steps.